• Highest quality honey at the most favorable price - Istria, Oprtalj - Portole
  • The company offers products Vežnaver of native bees in this region - Istria
  • Excellent products of bees, the original quality without preservatives
  • Products of honey, flowers, acacia and chestnut, the comb honey-honeycomb, propolis and pollen
  • Beehive honey bees
  • hive
  • Dario beekeeper Vežnaver
  • chestnut flower
  • other bee products, honey
  • other bee products, honey
  • other bee products, honey
  • other bee products, honey
  • other bee products, honey
  • Portole
  • Portole
  • Portole


Beekeeping VEŽNAVER: Scoffi 34, 52428 Oprtalj, Istria

To assist in the orientation, where ŠCOFFI the map below we have marked the exact position of the firm.

Show the address of the Company and beekeeping farm family Vežnaver Scoffi,34, 52428 Oprtalj, Istria's largest paper..


Directions how to get bee Vežnaver

The beekeeping Vežnaver Scoffi is located in the place, not far Oprtalj (about 5 km).

If you come from the part of Buje, will take the road to Oprtalj. You will pass Kremenje, Marusici, Sterna and arrive in St. Lucia, where we must move towards Oprtalj, turn left towards Zrenj.

After a couple of miles, you will see the street sign Scoffi (turn left). When you are in Scofi, turn left, and until the end of the country. The company Vežnaver is on theright side of the road. The entry courtyard is shown in a table with "MED, HONEY,Honig". The indication that says VEŽNAVER beekeeping, you'll also see the intersection ofSt. Lucia, and before turning off the road that leads up to Zrenju, as well as on entryof Scoffie (see photo at right).

If you come from or part of Oprtalj Zrenj even see the signs that indicate the way to the place of Scoffie as well as tables with the written Vežnaver beekeeping.

If you want a healthy honey, natural honey, or other products, go to Oprtalj, and no doubt will come in our backyard, just following the directions given.

Saint Lucia

Crossing in Saint Lucia


Indication after St. Lucia


Indication recorded at close

Turn to Scofi

On the way to the left Zrenj


Crossing the entrance to Scoffi

beekeeping Vežnaver

Entering to the yard of the Vežnaver